Tuesday, April 1, 2008

March failure

I almost made my goal of beating Psychonauts in March. I probably would have done it, but with the 360 out of commission, I was missing the social aspect of gaming, so I jumped on one month of WoW. Just in time for the 2.4 patch, which raised the experience given from quests, so I was able to go from 51 to 53 in two days. Granted, 51-52 was based mostly on Kevin helping me out with his level 56 Hunter. We were able to blast through 5 quests in no time. I was able to do level 53 all by myself, just by cleaning up a few straggler quests and getting some Alterac Valley quests. That obviously means I got to try AV. I sort of hated Warsong Gulch, as a Priest, but I loved Araethi Basin. Even AB pales in comparison to AV. The massive, massive battles, tons of players clashing over snowy fields. Even though I am the bottom of the rung at this bracket, and unable to wear any armor heavier than cloth, I get to participate, sometimes just by following some level 60 Warrior and keeping them healthy (until the Alliance punks realize that you always kill the healers). I hold out some small hope that I will hit 60 with some help from Kevin and his group of players before the month is up, but in the meantime, AV is a lot of fun, and well worth 15 bucks if I get some more play time on it.

This past weekend I focused on getting Psychonauts finished up. I didn't quite make it, but I did make good progress. I was in the insane asylum, and had figured out the three people I had to help to get to the top of it. The thing is, I wasn't expecting each of these three characters to be a full-blown level on their own. With that in my way, I only managed to finish one of them on Sunday, then the other two Monday night. Late Monday night. Then I stayed up later trying to get to the real end, and that was another 25 minutes, just to get to the final boss. So Psychonauts remains uncompleted for March, but I figure as long as I have it done before this weekend, I can call this a triumph. Huge success.

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