Thursday, January 24, 2008

Sick kids and grown up time

Archer has the flu. Poor guy, we put him through the pain of getting a Flu Shot, and then he gets a different strain of it. Three days with a fairly high fever, and he's just miserable. He actually napped two days in a row! I commented to a friend that I saw him playing TF2, and that I couldn't join him because of Archer's illness. He didn't seem to get that I didn't want to be tied to a multiplayer game, preferring to play something that I could pause and walk away from.

Ironically, Archer did wake up a few times, and I was playing Rock Band (singing and guitar) so I didn't know it. Allison got to stay with him all day, and then most of the night, too. I was able to get him to get back to sleep around midnight, so I was able to help her out then, at least. I can never decide if it is frustrating or sweet that Allison took care of things; I think it depends on how she reacts to it.

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